Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011

Danger of Using Headset [Earphones]..

Over use or too much force the use of a headset would cause damage to hearing loss or hearing impairment [deaf, etc..]. Moreover, usually the earphones / headset to use with set top of their voices to "fight" noise from outside which we normally use in places crowded / noisy. It's very risky. Deafness can affect people already getting early. Early on the ears that often use earphones do not feel anything, but when about to pull out the earphones, ear buzzing hot and intense. It occurs due to fatigue cochlea [cochlea], which plays an important role in auditory processing. Cochlear fatigue that occurs constantly and not immediately treated could cause permanent hearing loss.

The Benefits Of Fruit Juice

The benefits of fruit juice are no news for us. Yet, even if we’ve certainly tasted a fresh orange juice, for instance, there are much more recipes, richer in vitamins, which anyone can try at home, like, for instance, a papaya juice, with mango and carrots.

Apart from its nutritive qualities, the fruit juice mixes are also delicious, and anyone can come up with a brand new recipe.

In addition to the delicious and unique taste of homemade juice, they are also easy to prepare and to consume, so that the perfect daily portion of vitamins from fruits and vegetables comes to our system. There are a lot of diseases typical for civilized parts of the world, like in Europe or America, and which have never been found in less civilized countries, where the basic diet is made up of fresh fruit and vegetables. For example in Africa the British researchers have not found, for about 30 years, a single case of prostate and colon cancer, or rupture. The only explanation the experts found in this respect was the difference in eating habits.

How do juices help us?

When we cook our food, the micro-nutrients found in the fresh products are being destroyed. If our diet is rich in organic fruits and vegetables, and we consume daily the right quantity of micro-nutrients, we will have a healthier, happier and more productive life. And we’ll reduce the risk of having all sorts of illnesses.

The human body ideally needs no less than one kilogram of fruit/vegetables for each 50 weight kilos. The problem is, it is very difficult to eat so much fruit and many fresh veggies. Also, if we eat out of the same fruit/veggie, we won’t get the necessary mix of vitamins and nutrients, and we’ll also increase the risk of becoming allergic to that very product.

Another benefit of fresh juices it is that they make food easier to digest, so as the nutrients can be better and easier assimilated and used by the organism.

The juices are to be drunk in their fresh state, so they should be prepared only in moderate quantities. If you keep them in the fridge, they are most likely to lose their healthy properties. At the same time, the fruit and vegetable juices should be consumed at the room’s temperature. And we should under no circumstance drink any juice older than 24 hours, because in that case its nutritive value is certainly lost.

Let’s see some of the juices and their benefits to our health.

-- Beet juice for instance contains a lot of sugar, and plenty of vitamins: С, Р, В1, В2, РР. It also has a lot of potassium, iron and manganese salts. It is great for reducing stress, overweight and insomnia. Unfortunately fresh beet juice also contains harmful compounds, which are destroyed in contact with air. So before drinking you need to keep it in fridge for 2-3 hours in an open dish. Unfortunately, some people cannot tolerate beet juice, and have bad reactions to it, like vomiting, dizziness, heartthrobs, or states of general weakness.

-- Tomato juice stimulates food metabolism and reduces the risk of cancers. It’s excellent for pregnancy or women who are breastfeeding their babies. It is advisable to drink tomato juice half an hour before each meal, as it helps digestion. Yet, it’s not recommended to drink such juice in case of ulcer, pancreatitis, or other such troubles.

-- Pumpkin juice is great for people with heart diseases, kidney and liver diseases. Also, in case of insomnia, one could try a glass of pumpkin juice with honey before sleeping time.

-- Apple juice has many vitamins like C and P, for instance, also substances like calcium, iron salts, magnesium, zinc, nickel and cobalt. It’s not recommended in case of gastritis, pancreatitis or peptic ulcer.

-- Grape juice is also great for one’s health, as it contains a great quantity of potassium and sugar. It’s wonderful for the nervous system, and is recommended in case of tiredness or even exhaustion. It can reduce the level of cholesterol, and also the heart pressure. Grape juice has also anti-bacterial, laxative, diuretic effects on our body.

These are but a few examples of how fruits and vegetables can improve our health.

Regain Your Motivation

Do you feel your motivation has diminished recently? Or do you feel at the moment that it's gone completely? Do you wonder how you'll ever get it back?
It often happens that many people find their motivation decreasing or disappearing altogether. When this happens you tend to feel stuck and you're not really moving forward. You may feel frustrated because you're not making any progress. Seeing yourself making progress is one way to be motivated. But if that's not there, it becomes a vicious circle, because when you're not making progress, you don't feel motivated and vice versa.

When you want to increase your motivation, it's worth remembering that there's a difference between it and inspiration. Motivation is an external source which encourages you and gives you ideas. Inspiration comes from within and the encouragement and ideas are your own. When it comes from within, you own it and will feel inspired. When you feel inspired you'll take action and taking action is the key to achieving what you want, whether it's increasing your business, making changes in your life or progressing towards your dreams.

So, we're really looking to increase your inspiration here and not necessarily just to motivate you. I've found that people's inspiration drops when they've been doing the same thing over and over again for some time. You may feel you're stuck in a rut; it's become a bit of a drag. If you're feeling this way, it's no wonder your inspiration has decided to 'wander off'.

Sometimes you just need to take a break or have a rest from what you're doing and your inspiration may well come back. This break also allows you to re-assess what you've been doing and not doing. Perhaps then you'll see there are some changes you want to make, perhaps deciding to implement a different strategy or action plan.

Taking a break will mean different things to different people and you need to determine for yourself what this break will be. Perhaps, you'll decide take a day or a week off work, to play and have fun. Or you may decide to go for a brisk walk. I'm even inclined to suggest to you that, while taking this break, you tell yourself that you're not allowed to do or think about anything related to work or whatever it is that you're taking a break from. It's surprising how much most of us react to being told we can't do or have something. The rebellious part of us often surfaces and wants to fight it.

Taking a break from whatever it is you've been doing will probably make you feel apprehensive. All your fears about how much you have to get done, you're wasting time, what if I don't want to go back to doing this, are likely to surface. It's a natural reaction, but the fear is usually much worse than the reality. You need to trust yourself, face up to the fears and know that you can handle any situation.

After a break, you'll feel refreshed and when you feel refreshed, your enthusiasm and inspiration will return. Then, you'll be ready to start moving forward again.

What I want for you is to take a break and allow your inspiration and desire for life and business to return to you naturally.

A Healthy Life Starts With a Happy Life

A healthy life does start with a happy life. Let’s face it when one is happy there is no stress and better yet no complications to our lives. We live in a society that is going a hundred miles per hour and seems to never stop to refuel.

Having a happy life starts with making your surroundings enjoyable and your abode a pleasant place to live in. When we come home from work we want to kick off our shoes and place ourselves in a relaxing state. If your surroundings are messy then it is hard to relax. A clean quiet room is the place to start to relax.

After you sit back and are relaxing and feeling calmed from the days work or activities it is time to think of a place that makes you happy. Be it a field of daisies or a swimming pool floating on a raft. Making you feel happy and relaxed is a crucial part to a healthy life.

In a healthy life, relaxing and meditation can be a part of you day, even at work. You can sit back in your chair and think of your relaxing place. At times doing this technique several times a day you will find you are able to deal with the work stresses in a better manner. Becoming irate toward others just makes your day bad as well as theirs.

In conclusion it does not cost you anything to relax and think of a calm place to be. Just take a bit of time in your busyschedule to do this and soon your days will be more at an even keel. You will find that you are calmer when you are faced with hectic problems!

Benefits of Salads And Vegetables!

Vegetables, fruits and dairy products are incorporated in our diet to nourish our body and get the benefits of several health benefits they provide. Vegetables are praised all around the world as healthy diet and it is only the additional toppings and the process of cooking vegetables that makes them unhealthy often. Adding oil, butter, ghee and other products that may give unwanted nutrients to our body makes the food unhealthy or imbalanced altogether.
Our body needs growth, immunity, and healing as well as proper balanced diet for energy to carry out our day-to-day life. Along with normal diet and carbohydrates we allow ourselves everydayvegetable provide a proper metabolism flow and digestion through fibers.
Salads can be of different types made from cereals, vegetable or fruits but “salad and vegetable” are the terms that can never be kept apart. Let us have a quick look at benefits of salad and vegetable inclusion in our diet:
 Helps reduce blood pressure.
 Prevents the risk of heart attacks.
 Helps in proper digestion.
 Gives negative calories and promotes weight loss.
 Provides essential vitamins and acids for our body.
 Helps combat disease like cancer.
 Rejuvenates your body through flush of unnecessary waste.
So, salad and vegetable are terms that really keep our body going and a key to our healthy life.

Jumat, 24 Juni 2011

World's Fastest Cars

While most of us can only dream of owning the fastest car in the world, some will do whatever it takes to possess the most powerful speed. So, how fast are the fastest cars in the world?

Here are the 10 fastest cars available on the market (production models, as opposed to concept cars) measured by tested top speed (theoretical speeds do not count).

How to make “lempok” durian

Hallo guys...
If you have a hobby, like cooking. I will give a resep for you that is “how to make lempok”. You can use and practice this procedure at your home. Please read this article and i’m so sorry if there are many mistakes from my article ^_^

How to make “lempok” durian
Do you know Durian? Durian is one of several fruit in Indonesia. Many people like this fruit because durian have nutrition such as carbohydrate, vitamin, mineral, anti – oxide (carotene, isoflavon), and fiber. This nutrition is very good for our body. Durian has harder skin structure than other fruit because it has thorn and it has special smell that makes the consumer want to buy them. But, the price of Durian is more expensive than another fruit because durian production during the main harvest season is abundant and some of them cannot be absorbed by consumers because of its garden location where is far from the market.

World Biggest Cave

A massive cave recently uncovered in a remote Vietnamese jungle is the largest single cave passage yet found, a new survey shows.At 262-by-262 feet (80-by-80 meters) in most places, the Son Doong cave beats out the previous world-record holder, Deer Cave in the Malaysian section of the island of Borneo.Deer Cave is no less than 300-by-300 feet (91-by-91 meters), but it's only about a mile (1.6 kilometers) long.

Visit Keukenhof Flower Gardens in Holland

Hy guys, have you ever gone to Holland?
In Holland, there are many interesting places for you to visiting. One of them is Keukenhof flower gardens.

 Keukenhof near Lisse, South Holland, is the world's largest flower garden park with around 7 million tulips, daffodils, crocuses, and other flowering bulbs on display.

 Keukenhof near Lisse, Holland, Netherlands - Lin Mei

 More clear about Keukenhof. let's read it.

Rabu, 22 Juni 2011

What is Emotion ???

Emotion is the complexity of a person's state of mind as a result of his interaction with the environment and interaction in its own form of chemical reactions that occur in the body. Emotions that occur in human beings involves factors such as physiological reactions, expressive behavior, and conscious experience. Emotion-related and closely linked to personality, motivation, mood, or disposition. Emotion words in English translates as "emotion" is derived from the word "émouvoir" in french language.

Super Kids in the World

There are may super kids around us, that make some people amazing because their talent or achievement and know, i will give you some information about three of kids that make people amazing. Let's read it...
they are :
1) Arkit Jaswal

Akrit Jaswal (Doctors Surgery ages 7 Years) nickname "the smartest kids in the world" has been attached to the Akrit Jaswal, seoarang child from India. He surprised the public, when at the age of 7 years of doing surgery on a local girl in his place.
The girl suffered burns on his hands, until his hands could not be opened, and Jaswal-even do the surgery until her fingers could open as before kala.Saat this, he was listed as "most young doctors in the world", he was accepted at the University at the age of 11 years.