Jumat, 24 Juni 2011

How to make “lempok” durian

Hallo guys...
If you have a hobby, like cooking. I will give a resep for you that is “how to make lempok”. You can use and practice this procedure at your home. Please read this article and i’m so sorry if there are many mistakes from my article ^_^

How to make “lempok” durian
Do you know Durian? Durian is one of several fruit in Indonesia. Many people like this fruit because durian have nutrition such as carbohydrate, vitamin, mineral, anti – oxide (carotene, isoflavon), and fiber. This nutrition is very good for our body. Durian has harder skin structure than other fruit because it has thorn and it has special smell that makes the consumer want to buy them. But, the price of Durian is more expensive than another fruit because durian production during the main harvest season is abundant and some of them cannot be absorbed by consumers because of its garden location where is far from the market. There are many kinds of food and drinks that are produced from durian, such as “tempoyak”, syrup, candy, “kolak”, chips and “dodol” or commonly called “lempok”. Lempok is a semi-moist snack that made from durian with or without the addition of sugar. Lempok becomes one of special snack from Kalimantan Barat. It has high potential both within and outside, because many people like the main ingredient that is Durian. From their high price, “lempok” gets proudest to be favorable.
Actually, there are three steps to make “lempok” durian, such as Preparing the ingredients, processing, and  packaging or marketing.

The first step is preparing the ingredients and the equipments of “lempok”. We can find the ingredients in everywhere, such as fruit market in Jenderal Urip street, in Pasar Flamboyan, in Pasar Parit Baru or in the another market from other cities. The main raw material used is durian about 4-5 kg (we just put the contents of durian without the seed), 1 kg sugar, 2 teaspoons salt. This measurement is adjusted for the number of durian needed. Next, you should prepare the equipments such as knife, big bowl, stove are made of drum( the drum must be divine two part) after that make a hole as place for wood, a mixer are made from wood, a large frying pan, basin, plastic, paper bag, box packaging.

After you have been prepared the ingredients and the equipments to make “lempok”, the next step is processing to make “lempok”. It is easy to make” lempok”, because it made traditionally. First, we must open durian used knife, take contains and then separate the contents from the seeds until 4-5kg. We put that contains in basin, added 1 kg sugar and 2 teaspoons salt. Next, we put in all the ingredients to the frying pan that is placed on the stove, mixed and cooked the ingredients continually stirring until mixed (approximately 6 hours), so that its form look like “dodol”. After lempok has been cooked, it can be cooled and we are ready to packed “lempok”.

Finally, we must packed “lempok” to make consumer interest. There are many methods to make those more interesting. One of them is we can used plastic or wrapping paper to protect “lempok” shape. The shape and form “lempok” look like cylinder with 0.25 to 0.50 kg weight. It make the consumer is easy to serve them. After packaged “lempok” used plastic or wrapping paper, we give our label to the “lempok as a proof that “lempok” are made of good ingredients, not consist of poison and it is  good for our health and then put in boxes or paper bags form to add consumer appeal.

In summary, to make “lempok  is not too difficult because “lempok” made with simple technology and simple steps such as preparing the ingredients, processing to make “lempok”, and packaging “lempok”. I think lempok “market have many high potential both within and “lempok” are relatively expensive – will provide added value which is very profitable for producers.
 Posted by_ Meilisa Trismasari

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