Jumat, 22 April 2011

Nutrition Information => Health Benefits of Cucumbers

Even though fresh cucumbers
are mostly composed of water,
they still pack a lot of nutrition.
The flesh of cucumbers is a very
good source of vitamins A, C,
and folic acid. The hard skin is
rich in fiber and a variety of
minerals including magnesium,
silica, molybdenum, and

Kamis, 21 April 2011

Gender Behavior

For women shopping can be a pleasant and fun experience, especially when we see a sale on an item that we have wanted to buy. I think it is a little different for men because some men find it boring and they hate to walk through a crowed mall. Females are very indecisive when it comes to shopping because we can't make up our minds about what we want to get. Males know what they want and pick only that item up. Ladies can take hours getting one item, while men can get five items in 20 minutes or less. Women spend a lot more money than men shopping because we want everything we see. Men and women are so different when shopping is concerned.

Book is one of the knowledge resources for student

Some people like reading a book to fill up their free time because book can add much knowledge. Especially for student, book is important things for them. Without book, student cannot study. Books help students  learn everything. So, every student must have a book.

Prevent the flu during flu season coming

Snort ,Sobbing, Sneezing. Exposed to a cold or the flu (influenza) would not be pleasant or healthy. We feel pain and should not attend school, the workplace and other things are important. The bad news is that there is no treatment to cure a cold or flu. The good news is that there are many things we can do to prevent it from falling sick. Follow the following simple tips to stay healthy all year.

Rabu, 20 April 2011



Here is one example that we can see and listen to video clip of music.
Check it out :

True Love..!! ^_^

When we find someone who is in line with our uniqueness. We join with him and fall into a similar oddity called LOVE.
There are things that do not want to remove ... People who do not want to leave ...
But remember ...Not release the end of the world, but the beginning of a new life.
Happiness is for those who cry, those who hurt, those who have searched, and those who have tried. Since it is they who can appreciate how important the people who have touched their lives.
Which SUPREME LOVE is?...
Is when you shed tears and still cares ..
It is when he does not care and you're still waiting for him faithfully..
Is when he began to love others and you still can smile and say 'I'm so happy for you'
If love does not success ... Free yourself ...
Let your heart spread its wings and flew back to the wild more ...
Remember ... that you may find love and lose it ...
But, when love is dead ... You do not need to die with him ...
Not the strongest people who always win, but they are still tough when they fall. Somehow in the course of life, you learn about yourself and realize that regret is not supposed to be there.

Have fun with PARAMPAA GAMES

A few days ago, I got a game from my friend ..
The game is Parampa game ..
This is the picture :

Anyone know what it is parampa?

Parampa was very weird quiz,, make stress, make mad,, make emotional, and frustrating ..
The purpose of these games to practice intelligence. In playing this game, we not only use the theory, but also we have to use logic as fact by using the theory without logic we would not understand about this game.
Hmm .. so as not to shock in playing this game, we suggest reading the rules, because this game can cause frustration .. wkwkwkwk * just kidding *: p

Indonesia Manner

Have you ever uses this tools before you eating? I think that it must be confused, too many kinds of eating tools! But, it is the table manner of west culture. How about Indonesia? Many westernized Indonesians eat with a spoon and fork. If one is not offered eating utensils, it is appropriate to ask for a spoon and a fork (usually dinner knives are not used). But more traditional families eat by their hands because they believe that there are some advantages of uses it like as contain of vitamins, practice and more comfortable. Believes or not, it is the fact and they think that the tools that they use not always in clean condition but if they uses they hand to eat, they must be wash it before they use it to eat so it must be clean, right?

Caring your neighborhood !

Why do we have to go back to nature now? Now nature is unpredictable what it wants, whether it's estimated the rainy season, dry season and others. Perhaps because human nature is increasingly angry at the destructive nature. The little things we do without accidentally hurting nature. Conscious or not, we have hurt the nature. Some of the things without us knowing it has been destroying nature is through air pollution, environmental pollution and the exploitation of nature.

What is the emancipation of women?

 Many women who fight for the emancipation of women, is it wrong?
In my opinion, it's certainly not wrong, but do not let it exploit women. Women are gentle creatures, if they're just being a housewife actually it's just been very heavy, it is too hard to become a good wife and mother who are responsible to their children.

Kamis, 14 April 2011

Balancing the energy that we have

 We knows that the pattern of healthy eating is important, but there are some foods that can give even more. Food sources of energy will increase stamina, strength, endurance, and overall health of our bodies. Food sources of energy also makes us not tire easily, increase immunity, and helps keep the body stay fit and healthy. Not just food, there are aspects of other lifestyle that have a major impact on our energy level. Important things to maintain our energy balance beside keeps the pattern of eating: enough rest, not smoking, limiting alcohol and drug use, and effective stress management.