Rabu, 20 April 2011

Caring your neighborhood !

Why do we have to go back to nature now? Now nature is unpredictable what it wants, whether it's estimated the rainy season, dry season and others. Perhaps because human nature is increasingly angry at the destructive nature. The little things we do without accidentally hurting nature. Conscious or not, we have hurt the nature. Some of the things without us knowing it has been destroying nature is through air pollution, environmental pollution and the exploitation of nature.

First, without us knowing little things like burning garbage is destroying nature, the gas contained in the black smoke is mostly carbon dioxide. Gas is certainly bother us in breathing, but it certainly has destructive nature. To overcome them, we do not burn garbage. Better garbage we aggregated between the can and the can not be described by described then we throw into landfill. The government also should have a recycling plant for recycle garbage so it is not accumulate from day to day. 

Second, man's consciousness with the natural human balance has been reduced. Another little thing is garbage. In large countries, this practice has long been abolished but in Indonesian culture trash in its place only in part realized by the small. The rest assume the road, river or whatever it is as common trash. Very embarrassing! To overcome them, we must instill in ourselves to stay clean by removing trash in its place. The government should have a role and greater power, perhaps by giving fines to people littering.
Finally, humans are social creatures who are only concerned with himself. Although it must be exploit the nature with ruin, they still do that, illegal logging, illegal mining and others. Do they know nature has been corrupted and exploited by blindly later will be difficult to return to its original state, it took many years of tens or even hundreds of years to recover. To overcome them, we and the government have to be really sensitive to our needs and limits us to exploit nature.
In conclusion, from all destroyers destruction of these natural-there must be other better ways to use so as not to destroy nature. Let's keep our dream earth for our next generation! Start from NOW... !

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