Kamis, 21 April 2011

Prevent the flu during flu season coming

Snort ,Sobbing, Sneezing. Exposed to a cold or the flu (influenza) would not be pleasant or healthy. We feel pain and should not attend school, the workplace and other things are important. The bad news is that there is no treatment to cure a cold or flu. The good news is that there are many things we can do to prevent it from falling sick. Follow the following simple tips to stay healthy all year.

1.      Cover mouth when coughing. Cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough. Use a tissue, then discard the tissue, or sneeze on your sleeve.
2.      Wash your hands.
Hand washing is the number one way to prevent the spread of disease. Wash with soap and water or use hand sanitizer with alcohol. Remember, wash your hands
save lives!
3.      Stay at home when you're sick. If you fall ill, do not spread to other people. Avoid from being close to others. If you can, stay home and not to the school and the workplace, or perform tasks when you're sick. Also, if you take care of yourself, you will heal faster.
4.      Get your flu immunization. The best way to prevent flu is to get flu immunization each year. In October or November is the best time to get flu shots, but you still may receive injections at month December or later.

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